Sometimes you need to develop a product at rapid speed and invest the smallest amount of capital in getting it off of the ground. Our internal agile practices will allow us to help you shape a product to suit you or your customer's needs. Through an iterative, agile process of A/B testing we can see what really drives your customers and develop the product that provides them with the most amount of value in the least amount of time.
How the process works
For all projects we will always sit down with you either remotely or in person at our Stockport Office @ Profolk. This session is both a requirements & brainstorming session to help gather the requirements of the project and help guide you in creating the most value.
Once the scoping session(s) have concluded, we take these ideas and produce you a specification of the proposed solution.
Our next phase is to ensure the user interaction and user flow is mapped. This is a great chance to work with us to really see your product come alive without getting too deep into the technical implementation.
Our final phase involves the actual implementation of the wireframes including all supporting services. We break the product down into smaller iterations so you can see your product come to life over time.